Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Characters - Lola

I think the most important characteristics of Lola are her determination and strong-will to do things, her non-conformist rebellious nature and appearance, and her wild temper. Lola's determination and strongwill are what make her such a strong character, and why Manni relies on her to help him out a lot. Lola is a non-conformist both in the way she acts and in her appearance, with plain, rough clothes and bright red hair. Her red hair also symbolises her firey, wild temper. She id determined to get what she wants, and if things don't go her way, she gets fired up really easily and lashes out by screaming to release her anger, and also to gain attention and get what she wants.

1 comment:

Mrs C said...

You have detailed some very important elements of her character here Heather - she certainly is a complex character.